Dinesh D’Souza takes the heat

You may D’Souza as the former Reagan administration member who directed 2016: Obama’s America. He’s a prominent conservative who believes Obama is “anti-colonial” While this would seem to make Obama an heir to the founding fathers, D’Souza means it as a Bad Thing—because Obama’s anti-colonialism is rooted in Kenya, colonized by the British, so it’s a euphemism for “he hates white people.” D’Souza has also written that if we could just get conservative Islam to understand that Real Americans hate women dressing sexy, sexy TV and movies, women’s sexual freedom, gay marriage, etc., then they’d understand we’re very much alike.
And it seems he’s also having an affair with blogger Odie Joseph, despite being married. A fairly blatant affair in which they shared a room at an evangelical conference; when people raised questions, D’Souza insisted that absolutely nothing happened (but he was, however, engaged to Joseph while still married to his wife).
Understandably, conservative evangelicals are upset. Slacktivist observes that they are not, however, terribly bothered by D’Souza’s racist writings about Obama and even earlier (my apologies to those conservative evangelicals who are indeed put out by it).
His fiancee, meanwhile, has joined the chorus of conservatives who think women should not have the vote. The arguments against suffrage back when women were fighting for their rights made sense! And now that they have the vote, liberal women are ruining America thanks to weak men who refuse to bring them to heel!
As Wonkette notes, there’s a remarkable hypocrisy in condemning feminists for ruining the two-parent family while participating in an affair. Though as I’ve mentioned in the past, it’s easy to make too much of hypocrisy. Joseph’s views in the link above would be just as repulsive if she were chaste as a nun.
In other matters:
•Here’s an argument that women prefer the kind of president they’d want as a boyfriend. Same old, same old.
•Echidne of the Snakes discussses Romney’s binders full of women.
•A look at how local prosecutors and cops helped the Boy Scouts cover up pedophiles in the organization.
•A while back, I linked to Glenn Greenwald’s article claiming that the Libya attack on our embassy–blamed on outrage over an anti-Islamic movie—was actually a planned terrorist attack (but blaming it on the video deflected attention from our counter-terrorism policies). Subsequent reporting concluded that while the attackers were indeed terrorists, they were responding to the video. FAIR looks at the debate and sides with the latter assessment.
Of course, the media have been wrong before … but for the moment, I guess I’ll go with it.
•The CEO of Citigroup walks away from his post with $260 million in compensation. Never mind that the company’s stock has dropped 90 percent since he took over the company.

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